Growing up in a rural area with only three grocery stores and one local hospital has given me a much greater appreciation and a direct understanding of the importance of nutrition and education. As I spent the majority of my time at my grandmother's house with my cousins, we consumed a lot of prepackaged processed foods that contained little to no nutritional value because we thought them to be cost-efficient. My family lost my grandmother at the young age of 62. For years she battled with hypertension, type 2 diabetes, the latter of which resulted in a double amputation of her legs and kidney failure. I was only 11 years old at the time of my grandmother's death. I thought she had lived a long life. However, as I got older, I realized that her life ended prematurely. My grandmother died, unnecessarily, from a highly preventable disease. Discovering that these diseases were slowly diminishing her body and that their progress could have been slowed or halted by eating properly rather than causing her untimely death, challenged me to become more aware of my diet.

Throughout my life, I witness my family struggle to overcome many barriers and inequalities (i.e., food insecurity, lack of nutrition education, and limited economic resources). I had been totally unaware of the role that diet plays in nutritional health and overall well-being. It was not until I discovered how much nutrition influences our culture and the impact of sustainable nutrition enables individuals to achieve a quality of life without compromising the next generation's ability to satisfy their own.

I completed my pre medical bachelors degree at South Carolina State University in and my masters degree in Nutrition & Hospitality Management at Alabama A&M University . My dietetic internship was completed at Life University.  My mission is to change the world one plate at a time